2010 Math Contest Launched
The University of Guam’s Division of Mathematical Sciences launched their annual math contest today with the first set of problems posted at The contest will be held each month from November 2010 through March 2011. Winners will be announced each month. Overall winners will be announced in April. Challenge your mathematical mind and log onto the website to view the problems. Solutions for the November contest are due November 30, 2010. Submit your solution by email to Submissions must include the words “Math Contest” in the subject line of the email. In the body of the email please include your name, mailing address, school, and grade. Participants may also submit their solutions by mail to Math Contest c/o Division of Mathematical Sciences, WB #4, University of Guam, UOG Station, Mangilao, GU 96923. For more information contact:
Underwood Receives Award
University of Guam President Robert A. Underwood received the Higher Education Award from the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund on November 10 for his long-standing commitment to education and efforts to increase access to education for Asian and Pacific Islander American students during the APIASF’s Today’s Minds, Tomorrow’s Future Scholarship Benefit in New York. Underwood was the first chair of the Board of Directors when it began in 2004. It is now the largest scholarship fund serving the Asian & Pacific Islander community.
UOG Island Theatre presents Laundry and Bourbon and Lone Star Nov. 17 - 20
Don't miss the Island Theatre's second production, two hilarious, but biting, portraits of love-lorn men and women tied to the desert and their small-town misfortunes. The play from Nov. 17-20. The play features some of the best acting talent on island, with performances by Katherine Cure, Michelle Blas, Michelle Bednarzyk, Will Sullivan, PK Harmon, and James Nichols. The curtain is always at 8pm. And UOG students are always free! For more information, possible feature articles, or arrangements for photos, contact Jim Seymour at or at 735-2718.
Creative Hands Exhibit – Nov. 18
Isla Center for the Arts presents Creative Hands: Pacific 2010 exhibit featuring work from 14 artists from the Micronesian region. The opening reception is November 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Isla Center for the Arts, Dean’s Circle, UOG campus.
School of Education Colloquium Series for 2010 – Nov. 18
Micronesian Child Studies on Romonum, Chuuk Lagoon
On November 18, Mary Spencer will present the research she conducted last March on several aspects of cognitive development within cultural context, with school aged children on an island in the Chuuk Lagoon. She will use photographs and data designed to answer research questions on English and Chuukese literacy, everyday home and school activities, and the goals and expectations held by parents, educators, and community leaders about the children’s futures. She links her studies to child development theory and to Micronesian and international research histories. The presentation will be held at 4:00 PM in SBPA Room 259. Contact Dr. Lourdes Ferrer at
The third film in the Global Militarism: Global Peace? documentary film/discussion series for the Fall semester 2010 is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, November 18, CLASS Lecture Hall, UOG Campus. This series is co-sponsored by the Division of Social Work and the Communication Program at the University of Guam in cooperation with the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice and WeAreGuahan. The featured film on November 18 is Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai'i by Hawaiian filmmaker Anne Keala Keely. Please contact the event coordinators, Dr. Vivian Dames ( or Patricia Blas (
WIB CONFERENCE: Thursday, November 18th (8:30am-4:30pm); Hyatt Regency Guam in Tumon: The UOG Guam SBDC/Bank of Guam Women in Business Program presents the Annual Women in Business Conference: Build Your Business Through Export and Microcredit. The goal of this conference will be to provide relevant information by experts in the areas of business planning and management, marketing, legal and regulatory issues, and funding opportunities for small businesses interested in exporting and/or microcredit. Advance sign up and payment of $35 can be made at the Guam Small Business Development Center, at the University of Guam School of Business and Public Administration Building, room 148; Early registration deadline is November 17, 2010. Late registration (payment at the door) will be $45 per person.
Micronesian Studies: Cancer and Health Disparities Colloquium – Nov. 19
On November 19th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Science Building SC120, we will be hosting our Micronesian Studies: Cancer and Health Disparities Colloquium. This will be a Webcast based interactive seminar with our U-54 Counterparts at the CRCH in Hawaii The presenters and topics are: Development of a Breast Cancer Risk Model for the Pacific by Rachael Leon Guerrero; Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) Methods: A Tool to Address Health Inequalities by Hali Robinett and Kevin Cassel; and Biostatistics by Grazyna Badowski This event is free and open to the public and we encourage all interested parties to attend.
"How to Write a Business Plan" – Nov. 19
Presented by Guam SBDC: This seminar will cover all of the elements to be included in a business plan, & explain with examples what is required in each section. The focus of the seminar will be the three M’s – Money, Management & Marketing. Participants will also be provided with a sample business plan, sources of industry research information, and introduced to online business planning tools that are accessible at any time through an internet-enabled PC. Fee is $20 per person. Friday, November 19th (8:30am-11:30am); Guam SBDC #148 UOG SBPA Bldg. TO REGISTER, Call the Guam SBDC at 735-2590 or email Natasha Cruz at or Laurine Sablan at Cash, check (payable to University of Guam) & major credit cards (AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club & JCB) accepted.
Buy Locally Grown Veggies for Thanksgiving – Nov. 19
The Farmers’ Cooperative Association of Guam and the Dededo Municipal Council, with assistance from the UOG Cooperative Extension Service, will host a Thanksgiving Harvest Friday Night Market on Friday November 19th. The market will be from 4 pm to 9 pm in front of the old Dededo Fire Station and Post Office. Sweet corn, papayas, eggplant, cucumber, local culinary herbs, and other locally grown produce will be for sale. Core Certification of Vendors Required. Space is free. Interested farmers contact Co-Op president at 488-0077, or the mayor’s office at 632-5203.
“ONE - The Movie” – Nov. 22
The University of Guam’s Sociology of Religion Class will host a free screening of the internationally acclaimed and award winning documentary film, "ONE - The Movie" on November 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the CLASS lecture hall. Dr. Kirk Johnson, professor of sociology at the University of Guam, tasked his students this semester to consider what they might do as students studying religion and society for the Guam community. They decided to screen a film that captures humanity's journey throughout the ages. The film ONE is a documentary that was created to increase awareness of the interconnectedness of all people and cultures around the world. The film's concept is simple: Ask the ultimate questions of life to the great spiritual masters around the world and to everyday people and then let the dialog flow. The screening, which coincides with the celebrations of the 10th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Guam, is free of charge and open to the public.
Professor Jon M. Van Dyke, constitutional law scholar and professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s William S. Richardson School of Law, presented “The Status of Guam and Chamorro People under United States and International Law,” on Nov. 10. His presentation slides are posted at website at: and YouTube video will be posted soon.
ADA/EEO Presents: Improving Instruction through Universal Design – Nov. 19
Date: Friday, November 19, 2010
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Place: IT&E Lecture Room 131, SBPA Building
Presenter: Dr. Richard Fee
Career Majors and Minors Fair – Dec. 3
The Career Majors and Minors Fair is scheduled on Friday, December 3, 2010, from 9 am to 6:00 p.m. at the UOG Field House. This event is open to all UOG undergraduates, undeclared majors, and high school seniors. The colleges and schools will feature their various programs.
Christmas Drop
TADEO at Dean’s Circle is an official donation site for the Christmas Drop. Fishing hooks and other handy items are appreciated. Contact Bruce Best at for more information.
SBPA volunteered to serve as a drop off site for the “Toys for Tots” program
Marine Forces Pacific (Fwd) Guam & CNMI is organizing a Toys for Tots campaign to help the children of Guam and CNMI. The School of Business and Public Administration is an official drop off center. To participate you can drop a new, unwrapped toy in the collection box located in the SBPA Dean’s Office. The campaign lasts until December 22 when toys will be distributed to children. MarForPac (Fwd) is working with Catholic Social Services, Alee Shelter, the Sugar Plum Tree, the Salvation Army and the Air Force's Operation Christmas Drop to ensure that toys are distributed to needy children and families.
Early Registration for Continuing & Returning Students
Continuing and returning students may register early for Spring semester 2011 on the following days: Graduate Students, Seniors, Regent Scholars, National Student Exchange students Nov. 5–Dec. 3; Juniors Nov. 9–Dec. 3; Sophomores Nov. 12–Dec. 3; Freshmen, non-degree students and post-graduates Nov. 16–Dec. 3. For more information call 735-2202.
Planetarium Shows Cancelled
Equipment malfunction caused the cancellation of the planetarium shows this month.