Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

~Felis Pasgua (Chamorro)
~Maligayan Pasko (Tagalog)
~Peren en Krismas (Pohnpeian)
~Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin (Marshallese)
~Falang e Baynag (Yapese)
~Tok Tapeng (Kosraean)
~Ungil Kurismas (Palauan)
~Pwapwan Kirisimas (Chuukese)
~Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian)
~Ameseighil ubwutiiwel Layi Luugh me raagh fee (Carolinian)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Congratulations Fall 2015 Graduates!

The University of Guam celebrated the graduation of its 262 students on December 20, 2015 at the UOG Calvo Field House. The Commencement Ceremonies featured keynote speaker MSNBC and NBC News Anchor Richard Lui. Lui impressed upon the need for the graduates to tell their own stories and look for unique angles, as they write the chapter of their lives. Congratulations Fall 2015 graduates! God Bless, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors!

Lorenzo Naputi Reyes proudly holds his diploma

UOG's Dr. Rivera's 

Pictured L-R:  Jacqueline Naputi Reyes, Lorenzo Naputi Reyes, and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera.

Lorenzo Naputi Reyes (center) is surrounded by family members