Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Guam News - Dec. 30

+ Huge crowd at Resolution 258's public hearing
It was a packed house at the Guam Legislature's Public Hearing Room thismorning as dozens of people came out to testify in support of Resolution258 that opposes the use of condemnation for the purpose of obtaining Guamlands for the military buildup.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11740912&Call=Email&Format=Text

+ Lujan granted request for defamation suit
Local attorney David Lujan was granted his request to have a defamationlawsuit he filed against a California law firm and others heard in theSuperior Court where he initially filed the suit.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11740858&Call=Email&Format=Text

+ GEC investigating source of Rector's donation
The Guam Election Commission has launched another investigation regardingSenator Matt Rector, and whether he may have violated Guam law whenaccepting campaign contributions.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11740768&Call=Email&Format=Text

Source: KUAM

Using Internet Tools to Enhance Mulitcultural Education Presentation

Graduate students enrolled in ED638: Teaching with the Internet presented at the University of Guam’s 22nd Annual Regional Language Arts Conference held November 6 and 7 at the University of Guam and Guam Marriott Resort & Spa. The theme of the conference was Multicultural Approaches in Language Arts Education. The students’ presentation titled Using Internet Tools to Enhance Multicultural Education explored web sites aimed at enhancing multicultural education, including reading, writing, collaboration, professional development, instructional technology, WebQuests, and more. Pictured L-R first row: Angela Sablan; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, instructor; and Marife Fernandez. Second row L-R: Darlene Quichocho, Ceria Santos, Tessa Pfahler, Yolanda Tabayoyong, Nadine Cruz, and Josephine Mesa Cruz. Back row L-R: Alan Jamison and Devin Paciente.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Guam News - Dec. 27

+ YouNex greenlit to build $200M facility
YouNex Enterprises Corporation recently signed a contract to design, buildand assist with the operations and management of an 18,000-bed workforcevillage.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11733841&Call=Email&Format=Text

+ GPD maps out expansion
The Guam Police Department is hoping for a major facelift as the islandanticipates an increase in population from the relocation of Marines fromOkinawa to Guam.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11733840&Call=Email&Format=Text

+ Guthertz looks forward to buildup hearing
Senator Judi Guthertz says she expects to have a big turnout at her publichearing on Tuesday on the topic of land condemnation by the military forthe buildup.http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=11733839&Call=Email&Format=Text

Source: KUAM

Family Literacy in the Pacific

Check out the new Family Literacy in the Pacific website at http://familyliteracypacific.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Felis Pasgua ~ Feliz Navidad

May you be richly blessed with a memorable Christmas to cherish with family and friends. Felis Pasgua! Feliz Navidad! Have a blessed Christmas filled much love, joy, peace, and happiness!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guam IRA's 10th Annual Community Book Fair - Agana Shopping Center - December 12

blog post photo

blog post photo

The Guam International Reading Association's 10th Annual Community Book Fair be held on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the Agana Shopping Center from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. Bring the entire family for a fun day of literacy filled with books, Read Alouds, raffle prizes, and more! There will be exciting student performances including Maria Ulloa Elementary School’s Head Start students and the St. Francis Honor Choir. A special appearance of Clifford the Big Red Dog will also be available.

A special presentation of IRA’s Community Book Baskets will benefit the following: University of Guam’s School of Education Literacy Lab, Guam Memorial Hospital’s Pediatric Ward, Erica’s House, Department of Youth Affairs, and the Alee Shelter in order to promote literacy.

There will be
an array of books just for you! There will be paperback and hardcover books, young adult literature, and an assortment of professional books—all at affordable prices. There will also be software, novelties, and brand new Read-A-Thon 2010: “Go Green, Go Read” stocking stuffers. Books for IRA’s upcoming visiting author, Eric Ode, will also be on sale. There will be items from Southern Creations, PBS Guam, School Essentials, and Scholastic. Other features include the make-n-take children’s craft table, face painting by ACEI, gift wrapping stations, and more! You won't want to miss this event!

Friday, November 27, 2009

SOE International Conference - February 12-14, 2010


First International Conference on


Marriott Hotel Guam

February 12-14, 2010

About the Conference

The University of Guam School of Education is hosting an international conference for researchers, practitioners and school administrators to share their expertise, experiences, theoretical perspectives and research findings in education The conference focuses on Current Trends and Challenges in Education with the following sub-themes:

1. Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

2. Diversity, Learning Styles, and Special Needs

3. Partnerships, Collaboration, and Networking

4. Distance Education, Blended Learning, and Technology-Mediated Instruction

5. Dispositions, Values, and Relational Skills

6. Finance, Governance, and Accreditation

7. At-risk Learners, Family Crisis, and School-Based Interventions

8. Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy of Education

Dr. Richard Giardina
Dr. Nerida F. Ellerton

Registration Fee

International Participants:

Early Bird (Before January 15, 2010): $150

On Site: $200

Regional and Local Participants: $100

Students (on daily basis): $50

Call for Papers

Participants who wish to present papers should e-mail a proposal that specifies a sub-theme and submit an abstract of not more than 250 words to the following coordinators.

1. Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Coordinator: Dr. Kelle Murphy

E-mail: kmurphy@uguam.uog.edu

2. Diversity, Learning Styles, and Special Needs

Coordinator: Dr. Richard Fee

E-mail: rfee@uguam.uog.edu

3. Partnerships. Collaboration, and Networking

Coordinator: Dr. Patrick Leddy

E-mail: greyleddy@yahoo.com

4. Distance Education Blending Learning, and Technology-Mediated Instruction

Coordinator: Dr. Jacqui Cyrus

E-mail: dr.jcyrus@gmail.com

5. Dispositions, Values, and Relational Skills

Coordinator: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera

E-mail: mnrivera1@yahoo.com

6. Finance, Governance, and Accreditation

Coordinator: Dr. James Maryott

Guam IRA's 10th Annual Community Book Fair - Agana Shopping Center - December 12, 2009

This year’s fair will be on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the Agana Shopping Center from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. There will be exciting student performances including Maria Ulloa Elementary School’s Head Start students and the St. Francis Honor Choir. A special appearance of Clifford the Big Red Dog will also be available.

A special presentation of IRA’s Community Book Baskets will benefit the following: University of Guam’s School of Education Literacy Lab, Guam Memorial Hospital’s
Pediatric Ward, Erica’s House, Department of Youth Affairs, and the Alee Shelter in order to promote literacy.

There will be an array of books just for you! There will be paperback and hardcover books, young adult literature, and an assortment of professional books—all at affordable prices. There will also be software, novelties, and brand new Read-A-Thon 2010: “Go Green, Go Read” stocking stuffers. Books for IRA’s upcoming visiting author, Eric Ode, will also be on sale. There will be items from Southern Creations, PBS Guam, School Essentials, and Scholastic. Other features include the make-n-take children’s craft table, face painting, gift wrapping stations, raffle prizes, and more! You won't want to miss this event!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Guam's News Sources

Pacific Daily News – http://www.guampdn.com – Guam’s Complete Source

Marianas Variety Guam Edition - http://mvguam.com/ – The Local & Regional Newspaper

KUAM – http://kuam.com – Guam’s News Network - Stay on top of the day's events and find out about everything that's happening on Guam.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Join us in sharing your thoughts on Guam!

Finally, we have a blog dedicated to sharing news all about Guam, and more! You're welcome to click on the Comments link to share your thoughts on the various Guam News!