Tuesday, July 27, 2010

by Jason Salas

Guam - The Joint Guam Program Office has released the Final Environmental
Impact Statement on the relocation of U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam.
Use the links below and review the various sections and see how the
military's plans for the island.

* Executive Summary

* Volume 1: Overview of Proposed Actions and Alternatives

* Volume 2: Marine Corps Relocation Guam

* Volume 3: Marine Corps Relocation - Training on Tinian

* Volume 4: Aircraft Carrier Berthing

* Volume 5: Army Air and Missile Defense Task

* Volume 6: Related Actions

* Volume 7: Proposed Mitigation Measures Preferred Alternatives Impacts and
Cumulative Impacts

* Volume 8: Additional Items Required by NEPA

Monday, July 26, 2010

UOG Activities

Presidential Lecture Series – July 27
the Honorable William J. Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense, will be the featured speaker at the University of Guam Presidential Lecture Series to be held July 27, 11:10 a.m. at the University of Guam IT&E Lecture Hall. The public is invited to attend and will be offered the opportunity to ask questions. He will speak on strategic issues in the area. The Deputy Secretary of Defense is the second-highest ranking official in the Department of Defense and oversees the day-to-day business and management of the department. Mr. Lynn is the 30th Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Primary Great Debate Tickets on Sale Now
The Primary Great Debate on September 2 is sure to be one of the most exciting debates of the election season. Tickets are on sale now for $15.00 each at all Circle K/76 gas stations or the UOG Endowment Foundation. Purchase your ticket and guarantee your place at the Primary Great Debate. The Primary Great Debate will be held on September 2 and features all of the candidate teams for Governor and Lt. Governor of Guam in an interactive format focusing on the most critical issues facing Guam today.
The Great Debate series is a special public service project organized by the students and faculty of the Public Administration and Legal Studies Program, SBPA. For more information, contact the UOG Endowment Foundation at 735-2956/2957 or SBPA Dean’s office at 735-2501/2520/2550.

FHB Contributes $40K in Scholarships – Deadline to apply: July 31
In celebration of its 40th Anniversary in Micronesia, First Hawaiian Bank donated 40 $1K scholarships to 2010 high school graduates. Visit www.uog.edu to download the application

Applications for 2010 Businesswoman of the Year Scholarships – Deadline: July 31
First Hawaiian Bank and Guam Business invite students to apply for the 2010 First Hawaiian Bank and Guam Business Businesswoman of the Year scholarships for the Fall or Spring 2010 Semesters. The program provides student scholarships at three higher education institutions in the Mariana Islands: University of Guam, Guam Community College and Northern Marianas College. The scholarships will be awarded based on merit, eligibility, a written essay, and financial need. Applicants should have a high school or college cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Click Here for Application Form.
Click Here for Policy and Procedures.
Parsons, an engineering and construction firm with offices on Guam, contributed $15,000 to support scholarships for the University of Guam’s pre-engineering students. The gift was made on July 8.


Conference on Island Sustainability
The University of Guam will host a “Conference on Island Sustainability” for Guam and Micronesia on September 2-3, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency Guam. This will mark the first formal event sponsored by the new Center for Island Sustainability. Visit www.uog.edu/islandsustainabilityconference


The Evolutionary Origins of Coral Sex
University of Guam Marine Lab associate professor, Alexander Kerr, is senior author of a paper on the evolutionary origins of coral sex published in the prestigious Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The paper, “Correlated evolution of sex and reproductive mode in corals” finds that ancient corals consisted of mostly separate sexes and needed to pass through an
evolutionarily period in which they brooded their young before they could become spawning


DOI Assistant Secretary Awards $300K Grant to UOG in Support of Green Initiative
Tony Babauta, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Areas, signed off on a grant award of $300k to the University of Guam in support of its green initiative. The funding will allow UOG to expand and elaborate the efforts achieved through first-year funding on the green initiative, and support the launch of the Center for Island Sustainability (CIS) at the University of Guam. The CIS will conduct outreach programs, faculty curriculum development, and a green media campaign. Additionally, CIS will conduct a socio-cultural baseline survey to assist in identifying those issues that are of the greatest concern to island residents during the Guam Buildup.

Clinical Psychology Cohort
The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences has accepted 15 new graduate students into the Master of Science in Clinical Psychology program. These students represent the program’s second cohort and upon completion of program requirements will help to address the critical issues within the island’s mental health field. The selective program accepts a maximum of 15 graduate students every two years. Graduate students are:  Christine Camacho, April Manibusan, Tami Ahn, Jacqueline Gouniai, Joanna Caasi, Dina Marie Fegurgur, Maresa Aguon, Bernadette Matthews, Colleen San Agustin, Camarin Meno, Joleen Aguon; and Maira Rios, Emma Gatewood, Denise Ola, and Julie Murrell.  
Online Renewal Feature at the RFK Library
The library has implemented the online renewal feature. You are now able to get additional time for books borrowed from the Library without bringing the items to the Library. This feature is for book loans only. If a student's library account is in good standing - no overdue materials, no fines, no fees - you can make a renewal online starting about one week before the due date (NOTE: if done earlier the system will register a renewal but the due date remains the same). Read more in scrolling news at www.uog.edu


Sunday, July 25, 2010

PBS Guam and the Guam Public Library invite you to a special Story Hour with Bob the Builder on Saturday, July 31, 2010, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Nieves M. Flores Memorial Library in Hagatna.

Enjoy story hour, arts & crafts, face painting, and more! The first 100 kids will receive a free special gift. For more information, contact Leigh Pereda, PBS Guam at 734-5483 or lpereda@pbsguam.org or call the library at 475-4752.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy 66th Liberation Day, Guam!

Tomorrow marks Guam's 66th Liberation Day! The island's annual liberation parade on July 21 is traditionally packed with crowds to celebrate Guam's freedom from Japan's cruel occupation. As part of our patriotism, we continue to celebrate and thank our Dear Uncle Sam - the United States and to those who serve in the Armed Forces who continue to fight for our freedom!

Happy 66th Liberation Day, Guam! Biba Guam!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Guam News - July 11

+ DOE preventing spread of infectious diseases
While it's only July, the Department of Education is encouraging parents toensure their child's shot records are up to date. Before last school year ended, DOE saw a spike in the number of mumps cases reported.

+ Roadwork planned for Agat this week
Guardrail crews are removing existing guardrail and installing newguardrail on Route 2 in the village of Agat. Motorists should anticipate daytime lane closures and short delays while this guardrail work is beingdone.
http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=12786187&Call=Email&Format=Text+ Guam

Young Professionals clean Dededo beach
More than 25 volunteers from the Guam Young Professionals showed up to pickup trash at Tanguisson Beach in Dededo.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Guam News - July 10

+ Manenggon memorial held in Yona
The Manenggon Memorial Foundation held its annual Manenggon memorial service today in Yona. The event began with a wreath laying ceremony followed by a memorial mass at the site of the former concentration camp.

+ Guard dedicates memorial to fallen heroes
The Department of Public Health and Social Services held a free child immunization clinic today at the Micronesia Mall in Dededo.

+ Afternoon quake hits 5.5 on Richter Scale
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake measured at 5.9 on the Richter Scale http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/pt10191000.php and occurred 75 miles northeast from Hagatna, and 73 miles south of Saipan. http://www.kuam.com/Global/story.asp?S=12784263&Call=Email&Format=Text

Friday, July 9, 2010

29th Annual International PIBBA Conference Memorable

Pictured above: PIBBA participants from Guam and Pohnpei are ready to attend the Opening Ceremony of the 29th Annual International PIBBA Conference at the RMI International Conference Center on June 22, 2010. Pictured front row L-R: Shelten G. Neth, Frances Sablan, Julia Shore, Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, and Jacqueline Hazen. Back row: Nelsin Iriarte, Koshy Reuney, Dr. Arlene S. Diaz, and Marie Salas.

Pictured above: PIBBA recipients for the Teacher of the Year and Pioneer of the Year were awarded on June 24, 2010.

Pictured above: PIBBA participants show off the coconut-weaving artifacts they made, as part of the presentation titled, Using Coconut Weaving in Guam Classrooms to Improve the Language Arts and Mathematics Skills of Local Students presented by Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera and Kos Reuney, ESL Coordinators from the Guam Department of Education.

Pictured above: PIBBA presenters prepare themselves for their scheduled presentations. Pictured L-R: Dr. Greg Tainatongo, Kos Reuney, Dr. Sharon Nelson-Barber, Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, and Julia Shore.

Pictured above: The Majuro Atoll Local Government Choir perform during the PIBBA Conference Opening Ceremony held June 22, 2010 at the RMI International Convention Center.

Pictured above: Marshall Islands Choir and Special Education Students perform during the PIBBA Conference Opening Ceremony held June 22, 2010 at the RMI International Convention Center.

Pictured above: Pohnpei presenters pose during their Values Behind Proverbs workshop. Pictured L-R: Maria Donre, Nelsin Iriarte, and Rickson Higgins.

Pictured above: Jaqueline Hazen from the Island Research and Education Initiative (IREI) introduced several sets of bilingual books developed in collaboration with local educators and linguists in the four states of FSM. Pictured L-R: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Nelsin Iriarte, Hazen, and Kos Reuney.

The 29th Annual International Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Conference was filled with cultural excitement that has left a lasting impression for all participants from across the Pacific region! The conference theme, “Reviving the Languages and Cultures of the Pacific – Kubwij Buni Eo” was highlighted in each of the conference days from June 22-25, 2010. Each day featured the gathering of participants presenting cultural presentations, songs, and entertainment. Of course, the conference also highlighted PIBBA’s song, which includes all the languages of the region, such as the following chorus: “Iokwe, Raan Annim, Kaselehlia, Alii, Aloha, Olomwaay, Hafa Dei, Tuwoh, Mogethin, Talofa.”

Among the entities that attended the conference are Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, Chuuk, CNMI, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Yap, and Guam. The mission of PIBBA is to bring these entities together to promote cultural and language activities by disseminating information, involving communities, and encouraging quality education programs through the western Pacific.
The first night of the PIBBA Conference featured a cultural opening ceremony that was held at the RMI International Conference Center and special dinner hosted by President Jurelang Zedkeia and First Lady Hannah Jurelang Zedkaia. The familiar “Yokwe” could be heard throughout the walls of the center. The evening included a special cultural dance and appearance by the Paramount Chief, welcoming remarks by Honorable Titus Langrine, special message from His Excellency Irooj Jurelang Zedkeia delivered by Acting President Amenta Matthew, special address by Dr. Sharon Nelson-Barber, remarks by PIBBA President Rosa Salas Palomo, a closing prayer by Rev. Enja Enos, introductions by Immediate Past-President Shelten Neth and emcee Molly Helkena, chanting by Willie Mwekto, and performances by the Marshall Islands High School Choir/Special Education students and Majuro Atoll Local Government Choir.

The second through fourth days of the PIBBA Conference were held at the Marshall Islands High School, which began with breakfast, entertainment, announcements, guest speakers, and acknowledgements. The second day featured guest speaker and RMI 2010 Pioneer of the Year, Alfred Capelle, followed by various cultural and educational/language workshops.

The third day featured guest speaker Dr. Hilda Heine, followed by various cultural and educational/language workshops, and a special awards ceremony for the Indigenous Teacher of the Year and Pioneer of the Year for each of the entities.

The final day of the conference featured guest speaker US Ambassador Martha Campbell, followed by additional cultural and educational/language workshops. The PIBBA International Business Meeting was later conducted, and the new PIBBA officers were elected. The new position of webmaster was also introduced during the business meeting. The newly elected PIBBA Officers include the following:

President: Cheta Anien
President-Elect: Senator Kathy Kesolei
Secretary: Frances Sablan
Treasurer: Shelten G. Neth
International Historian: Dr. Marilyn Salas
Webmaster: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
Immediate Past-President: Rosa Salas Palomo

The day ended with a silent auction of cultural arts & crafts and a closing ceremony and dinner hosted at the RMI International Convention Center. It featured meaningful traditional performances and presentation of gifts from all the Pacific entities.

We extend a big “Kommool Tata” to all PIBBA Conference steering committee members, and all the entities that joined us to make the 29th Annual International PIBBA Conference a memorable event that will always be remembered for years to come! Thank you! Kommool! Si Yu’os Ma’ase’! Kalahngan! Kinissow! Mesulang! Kammagar!

Guam News - July 9

+ Suba back at Guam Police as captain
The legal opinion is in: Paul Suba is no longer the chief of police and isnow reinstated back to a captain - the position he held prior to hisappointment to lead the force. While Suba had publicly stated his plans toretire from the force, instead he took leave, never departing fromgovernment service.

+ DOE in dire need of funding...and fast
With the school year slated to begin next month, the Department ofEducation is pinching pennies to make to the end of the fiscal year. Andthe result if they don't find the funds would be a shutdown for the entireisland public school system.

+ Information review delays murder trial
Convicted murderer Steven Albertson won't find out when he will go to trialuntil more than 300 pages of discovery in the case is turned over.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Guam News - July 7

+ Abandoned Vehicles Program still stagnantThe Abandoned Vehicles Program remains on hold as the Mayor's Council waitsfor the Department of Administration to set up the necessary accounts inorder to move forward on a contract with Balli Steel.

+ Under harsh criticism, GFD fires backDepending on who you ask, it seems there was no mishandling when it comesto federal funds with the Guam Fire Department. While Vice-Speaker B.J.Cruz has raised the issue after learning that GFD was denied nearly $11million in federal funding for the past few years, Guam State Clearinghouseofficials are now clearing the record.

+ New jail will cost around $37 millionToday's meeting between the Department of Corrections and senators todiscuss the construction of a new prison was tabled until next Tuesday,that according to Department of Corrections Director J.B. Palacios. The newjail is projected to cost about $37 million.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July to one and all! God Bless all veterans & those who serve in the Armed Forces, because thanks to them, we are experiencing the freedom that we have. God Bless you all, and God Bless the USA!