Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

~Felis Pasgua (Chamorro)
~Maligayan Pasko (Tagalog)
~Peren en Krismas (Pohnpeian)
~Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin (Marshallese)
~Falang e Baynag (Yapese)
~Tok Tapeng (Kosraean)
~Ungil Kurismas (Palauan)
~Pwapwan Kirisimas (Chuukese)
~Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian)
~Ameseighil ubwutiiwel Layi Luugh me raagh fee (Carolinian)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Annual Book Donation at IRA Community Book Fair - Dec. 3

On December 3, 2016, the Guam Council of the International Reading Association donated books to three organizations during its Annual Community Book Fair held at the Agana Shopping Center.  The organizations that received the book donation include the Big Brothers, Big Sisters; Island Girl Power; and Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association. 

Guam IRA Donation to organizations on Dec. 3, 2016:  Pictured L-R:  Mariana Guzman, PIBBA member; Juanita Blaz, Island Girl Power Director; Toni Calvo, PIBBA member; Theresa "Ewy" Taitano, PIBBA Guam President; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Guam IRA President; Lois T. Gumataotao, PIBBA Secretary; Julia N. Rivera, Big Brothers, Big Sisters volunteer; and Benit Lizama, PIBBA member.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Annual Community Book Fair - Dec. 3

Join us for IRA's Annual Community Book Fair on Saturday, December 3, 2016!

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

Venue: Agana Shopping Center

Monday, September 12, 2016

29th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference - Nov. 18 & 19

The 29th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference (LAC) is an event in which Western Pacific educators are provided with opportunities for professional growth and enrichment in literacy.
The conference is organized by the Department of English and Applied Linguistics (DEAL) at the University of Guam, and co-sponsored by the Guam International Reading Association. IRA members can register for the conference during their September and October meetings. Participation is limited to the first 300 registrants, so early registration is encouraged.
Educators can earn one (1) PD894 graduate credit/CEU for attending this conference. For additional information you can e-mail the instructor, Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, at or

For inquiries contact Kathleen Duenas at 735-2725 or

Reading Writing Together: Collaborate to Calibrate

Friday, November 18, 2016 - 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 19, 2016 - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Hyatt Regency Guam

Keynote Speaker:

University of Guam

Kevin Colleary, Ed.D.

Dr. Kevin Colleary is an Adjunct Assistant Professor for the Graduate School of Education at Fordham University in New York. He teaches graduate level courses in educational foundations, philosophy and history of education as well as content area reading methods for science (STEM) and social studies. He works with elementary pre-service science, social studies and reading teachers in public and private schools including supporting them in internship and student teaching roles through supervision, mentoring and classroom instruction. In addition, he works closely with school administrators and classroom teachers on issues related to Common Core State Standards. He has also taught at Hunter College in New York and Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Dr. Colleary is an author for McGraw-Hill Education. He is a member of the senior authorship team, which conceptualizes and writes national and state specific K-6 elementary social studies programs. He creates and provides professional development support materials and seminars for state curriculum leaders, district leadership and classroom teachers on content area reading and social studies curriculum issues. He has also served as Director of National Marketing for Benchmark Education Company in New Rochelle, New York. He served in various positions for McGraw-Hill as Senior Marketing Manager of English, National Marketing Manager of Reading/Language Arts, Director of Social Studies Curriculum, National Social Studies Consultant, and Marketing Manager of Social Studies.
Sponsored by:
University of Guam
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Co-Sponsors:School of Education
International Reading Association, Guam Council

Invitation to Attend and Present/Call for Presentations and Workshops

Conference Registration Form

Presentation Proposal Form

**You can register and submit your proposals online. **Proposal Deadline is November 2, 2016.

**Registration Fees must be paid in person at the Division of English and Applied Linguistics, located on the second floor of the Tan Lam Pek Kim English and Communications Building, University of Guam campus.



27th LAC Keynote Speaker: Dr. Margaruite Smith
Dr. Smith is the Manager of Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), Hawaii and Pacific Sales and Service for McGraw-Hill Education. In that capacity, she is responsible for all aspects of teacher training, textbook and online learning sales, as well as Professional Development services for McGraw-Hill School Education educational materials, including SRA, Macmillan, Glencoe and Wright Group products to the Department of Defense Schools and to Guam, Marshall Islands, Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Federated States of Micronesia, American Samoa, and Hawaii.
She has degrees from Texas Tech University, Texas Southern University, and the University of Denver in education and in educational administration. She has taught in every grade level 1-12, and has been an elementary administrator. She has teacher certification in reading, English as a Second Language, as well as general studies K-12.

26th LAC Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nerissa Bretania Underwood
Dr. Nerissa Bretania Underwood is a former Superintent for the Guam Department of Education (GDOE). She served as GDOE's research, planning, and evaluation administrator. She holds a doctorate of philosophy from the University of Oregon, a master's degree in education, and a bachelor of arts degree in education. She has also served as the chair of the committee to develop Guam Department of Education's master plan relative to the increase in military presence. Dr. Underwood has been a leader in the local Filipino community organizations and an advocate of Guam's quest for self-determination and has served the community as a member of the Guam Memorial Hospital's board of trustees, the Guam Humanities Council, and St. Paul Christian School's board of directors. She is also the vice chair of the Democratic Party of Guam.

25th LAC Keynote Speaker: Efren Penaflorida, CNN Hero of the Year
Penaflorida is a Filipino teacher who won the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year award for his outreach teaching project known as, "Kariton Klasrum" (pushcart classroom). He received his award from American actress Eva Mendes at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.

According to Penaflorida, "Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, man, woman of different colors, shapes, and sizes. We are one great tapestry...Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need."

If you are interested in presenting or attending, it is important that you return the forms with your check/payment immediately. We have a limit of 300 participants. Last year, many were turned away because we reached capacity before the registration deadline. Don't let this weekend go without signing up. We look forward to seeing you there!
Contact LAC Committee Chairpersons:
  • Dr. Christopher Garcia:
  • Dr. Clarisa Quan:
  • Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera:
  • Dr. Catherine Stoicovy:
  • Dr. Michelle Santos:
Administrative Coordinator:
  • Kathleen Duenas (Email:, Tel: 735-2725
  • E-mail:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

WASC Accreditation Celebration - Friday, August 19, 2016 from 11:30am to 2pm at the Calvo Field House

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) has reaffirmed another eight years of accreditation for the University of Guam, guaranteeing that UOG has met the Commission’s high standards of quality and effectiveness. The accreditation term will last until 2024, and this accomplishment will mark an unprecedented 16 years of continuous accreditation for UOG!

To celebrate the hard work and continued commitment to excellence of all University faculty, staff, and administrators, the Offices of the President and Senior Vice President are hosting a "WASC Accreditation Celebration" which will be held on Friday, August 19, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Calvo Field House main arena.

ALL FACULTY, STAFF, and ADMINISTRATORS are invited to the celebration which includes a catered lunch and giveaways for all employees who attend.

Thank you once again for making the University of Guam GREAT.

Biba UOG!

Source: UOG

Thursday, August 4, 2016

GNA Meeting - Aug. 11


August 11, 2016

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Tamuning Senior Citizen Center

Agenda Items: 2016 Lantern Ceremony,
Presentation to Joshua Cepeda, 57th Convention of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad

2nd Annual Lantern Floating Ceremony
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park, Ypao

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

UOG Announces 8 Years of Accreditation from WASC

WASC Commends UOG's Good to Great Initiative,
Board of Regents, and Fiscal Responsibility
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) has reaffirmed another eight years of accreditation for the University of Guam, guaranteeing that UOG has met the Commission’s high standards of quality and effectiveness.
“We are extremely proud to announce the reaffirmation of another eight years of accreditation,” said UOG President Dr. Robert Underwood. “We received our first eight years of accreditation in 2009, and our new term will last until 2024. This accomplishment will mark an unprecedented 16 years of continuous accreditation for UOG.”

For more information and to view the WASC Senior College and University Commission action letter and report, visit or on the WASC website at
The Commission commended the University in seven areas:
  1. Taking steps to implement each of the team's recommendations immediately after the visit. The Commission is pleased to learn of the university's efforts to: strengthen graduation rates; invest in data management; hire additional staff to support institutional research; institutionalize SSIT; enhance program review; and undertake co-curricular assessment.
  2. Designing and carrying out the Good to Great (G2G) initiative.  The Commission is impressed by this ambitious, progressive, comprehensive, and successful endeavor. The stated objective of prioritization is particularly commendable, as is the inclusion of the university's stakeholders, internal and external, in shaping the initiative.
  3. Demonstrating strong fiscal stewardship.  In the face of challenging resource constraints, the university has achieved multi-year financial surpluses.  The diversification of revenue streams has been critical to the university's financial sustainability. The Commission applauds senior leadership for its fiscal discipline and for aligning resources with institutional priorities.
  4. Developing an effective relationship with the Board of Regents.  As reported by the team, the board is actively engaged, strongly independent, fully autonomous, and highly supportive of the University of Guam.
  5. Focusing on regional needs.  The university has demonstrated a deep commitment to regional needs and the public good through education, research and service.
  6. Strengthening first-year retention to 74.5%.  The University of Guam has implemented a range activities and practices that are leading to student success.
  7. Creating a remarkably inclusive, collaborative culture focused on good university citizenship. The G2G process, in addition to a number of university initiatives, reflects this approach to collaborating across constituencies, in order to break down silos, create synergies, and forge a new unified direction for the university.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Guam Council IRA Receives Honor Council in Boston, MA

Congratulations to the Guam Council IRA for receiving the ILA Honor Council Award!  Guam IRA has been instrumental in promoting literacy on Guam since 1968, and it will continue in its efforts to do so for many years to come.  Our mission is to develop an awareness of the powerful impact of reading, and we aim to make connections to the island's community through various literacy projects and events including our Annual Read-A-Thon, Author Visits, educator grants, Annual Language Arts Conference sponsorship, literacy workshops/presentations, professional development credit opportunities, local book donations and International book donations to our neighboring islands, affordable and resourceful books, tools, supplies, and engaging projects that promote literacy on the island of Guam and Micronesia at large.

Guam IRA Receives ILA Honor Council Award for 2015-2016 at the ILA Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.  Guam IRA has been instrumental in promoting literacy on Guam since 1968 and was recognized as an HONOR COUNCIL of the International Literacy Association for its achievements in programs, membership, promotion, and community service.  Pictured L-R:  April Cordova, Guam IRA Board Member; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, 2016-2017 Guam IRA President; Lois Taitano Gumataotao, Guam IRA Board Member; Evangeline P. Chaco, 2015-2016 Guam IRA President; Dylan Orot, Guam IRA Board Member; and Annette Raguindin, Guam IRA Board Member.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Congratulations, 2016-2017 IRA Board Members!

Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
President-Elect, Readathon 2016-2017 Chair:
Rose Cruz Castro
Recording Secretary:
Martha Sudo
Nilfa Milan
Corresponding Secretary:
Neldie Pendon-Limtiaco
Lois T. Gumataotao
Hard Cover:
Lea Calvo, Sophia Fujikawa, Marilyn Balajadia
Geri Duenas
Book Exchange:
Jane Rayphand
Annette Raguindin
Margaret Beam, Darlene Quichocho
Young Adults:
Dylan Orot, April Cordova
Professional Development:
Erlinda Arriola, Martha Sudo
Author Visit:
Lois T. Gumataotao
Stephanie Taitano, Margaret Asuncion
Frances Blanco
Liwanag Dominguez
Grace Griffin
Professional Resources:
Liwanag Dominguez, Elaine Madrazo
Door Prizes:
Evangeline "Vangie" Chaco

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Congratulations Newly-Elected Officers!

Congratulations to the newly-elected PIBBA International Officers!

President - Senator Shelten G. Neth (Pohnpei)
President-Elect (Acting) - Jon Masaichi (Palau)
Secretary - Theresa "Ewy" Taitano (Guam)
Treasurer - Rosa Salas Palomo (Guam)
Historian - Alister Tolenoa (Kosrae)
Webmaster - Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera (Guam)

PIBBA International Officers:  Pictured L-R:  Rosa Salas Palomo, Treasurer; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; Jon Masaichi, Acting Presiden-Elect; Alister Tolenoa, Historian; and Theresa "Ewy" Taitano, Secretary.  Not pictured is President Sen. Shelten G. Neth.

PIBBA Conference a Success!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


In honor of the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts, the Guam Literary Arts Publications Committee will celebrate the publication of Local Voices: An Anthology at Pika’s Cafe on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. The collection of poetry and creative narratives features 37 authors from the Pacific Island region, many of whom are official delegates representing Guam at Fest Pac 2016.

Authors in Local Voices include the following: Michael Lujan Bevacqua, Simone Efigenia Perez Bollinger, Kisha Borja-Quichocho, Raina Carpo, Dennis Chan, Paulette M. Coulter, Brandon Cruz, Eduardo R. Cruz, Tressa Cundiff Dela Cruz, Alicia U. Diego, Evelyn Flores, Louie Gombar, Mary P. Hattori, Kenneth Gofigan Kuper, Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero, Arielle Lowe, Lufi A. Luteru, Kelly G. Marsh-Taitano, Cara Flores Mays, Leiana S.A. Naholowa'a, Craig Santos Perez, Kallen Perez, Doug Poole, Malia Ramirez, Andrew Roberto, Shane Root, Vincent John Salas, Johanna Salinas, Corey Santos, Meta Sarmiento, Megan Taitague, Ewy Taitano, Tanya Taimanglo, Tabitha Espina Velasco, Desiree Taimanglo Ventura, Clarissa Villava, and Verna Zafra.

WHAT: The Local Voices public book launch event is free and open to the public and will include live readings by the authors. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event, and the special Fest Pac price for the book is $20.00.

WHEN: Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: Pika’s Cafe, Upper Tumon

WHO: Delegates and Members of the Guam Fest Pac Literary Arts Publications Committee; Authors featured in Local Voices

WHY: Local Voices has been created specifically for the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts, which Guam is hosting this year. The Guam Fest Pac Publications Committee seeks to expand opportunities for local writers to publish their work as well as increase Pacific Island literature and literacy in our region.

Monday, May 2, 2016

PIBBA Steering Committee Hard at Work

PIBBA Guam Steering Committee.  Pictured L-R:  Dawn Maka; Bobbie Benavente; Professor Rosa Salas Palomo, Vice President; Dr. Jose Cruz, Historian; Ewy Taitano, President; Joey Leon Guerrero; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; Juanita Manibusan; and Mye Ganan-Flores.

PIBBA Steering Committee discuss logistics of the 35th PIBBA International Conference at Lemai Cafe on April 30, 2016.

Local Voices Book Launch - May 12

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

FestPac Literary Arts Publications Poetry Night Memorable

The Poetry Reading Begins:  Pictured L-R:  Leiana Naholowaa, Emcee and Poet; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Publications Co-Chair and Poet.

Stars of the FestPac Literary Arts Publications Authors Night pose at Papa's on February 24, 2016.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

RIP Dr. Dungca

(May 31, 1940 – February 15, 2016) Lovingly known as "Benit/Dr. Dungca" ~ Of Sinajana was called home by our Heavenly Father at the age of 75… Last Respects will be held on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica in Hagatna from 9:00am-1:00pm. Funeral Mass will be at 1:30pm. Interment will follow at Guam Veterans Cemetery in Piti.

Friday, February 12, 2016


Lyrics by Peter R. Onedera
Music Arrangements by Benita Mesngon Lizama

What We Own,
What We Have, 
What We Share,
United Voices of the Pacific.

Across the oceans, Pacific places,
these islands lie pride of the earth.
Rise all as one to reach the sky,
with wealth of tongues and hearts abound
We welcome all, our souls profound.

What We Own,
What We Have,
What We Share,
United Voices of the Pacific.

Art and music fill the air,
the ocean waves do declare.
Our languages and cultures, our Pacific share.
We show the world, we come together.
Our voices ring, we honor the ancestors.
Pacific harmony is what we bring.

What We Own,
What We Have,
What We Share,
United Voices of the Pacific.

This gathering of mankind to give and show
of timeless beauty who we are, our legacies bestow.
We stand as one, north and south, east and west
With spirit and pride,
Our heritage is our quest.

What We Own,
What We Have,
What We Share,
United voice of the Pacific.
United voices of the Pacific
United Voices of the Pacific!

Liriku as si Peter R. Onedera
Finetmåyen Dåndan as Benita Mesngon Lizama

HÃ¥fa iyo-ta,
Håfa guinahå-ta,
HÃ¥fa Ta PÃ¥tte, 
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.

Gi tasi siha lugåt Pasifiku,
Manggaige todu i nasion,
Mannachu todu gi i mundo
U Hago’ i langet put rason.
Ginefsagan pÃ¥’a yan kurason todu para unu
In tina finatto kurason-måmi såtton yan uniku.

HÃ¥fa iyo-ta,
Håfa guinahå-ta,
HÃ¥fa Ta PÃ¥tte,
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.

Åtte yan dåndan un hungok gi aire
I napu kumuentos put fino’ yan kottura
inempÃ¥tte ni’ alientos.
In fa’nu’i todu mandanña’ ham
Sunidon-måmi in enra mañaina
Uniku Pasifiku entre ya-håmi.

HÃ¥fa iyo-ta,
Håfa guinahå-ta
HÃ¥fa Ta PÃ¥tte,
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.

Tinaotao humanidå
In na’i yan in na’annok ginefpa’go.
Nu hÃ¥yi ham Ã¥nti u ma hungok…
Manohge ham lågu yan håya, luchan yan kåttan
put Ã¥nimu, irensia, cho’cho’ ni’ ti chÃ¥’tan.

HÃ¥fa iyo-ta,
Håfa guinahå-ta,
HÃ¥fa Ta PÃ¥tte,
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.
Dinanña’ Sunidu siha giya Pasifiku.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


February 6, 2016
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Venue: George Washington High School

Ginen i Hila i Magataotao Siha/PIBBA Storytelling during the Latte Peace Festival tomorrow, Jan. 24, at Tatuha Park in Tamuning, 1-2 p.m.

Please join us for our Ginen i Hila Association/PIBBA STORYTELLING during the LATTE PEACE FESTIVAL tomorrow, January 24, 2016 at the TATUHA Park in Tamuning from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., park-side by the Tamuning Fire Station. 

An invitation was extended by Mayor Louise Rivera to celebrate this 3rd annual event co-sponsored by the Mayors' Council of Guam, CDofA, ICofAforP, and other community partners. 

"The LATTE STONE symbolic to the foundations of homes in the past and today it represents the culture we want to embrace .. and peace .. all over the world" --- Mayor Louise Rivera.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

GNA Meeting - Jan. 14, 6 p.m., Tamuning Community Center


January 14, 2016

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Tamuning Senior Citizen Center

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year from around the Pacific!

Happy New Year from around the Pacific! May the year 2016 bring you many blessings filled with much love, joy, peace, and happiness!

Biba Añu Nuebu! – Chamorro
Feliz Año Nuevo! – Spanish
Peren En Parakapw! – Pohnpeian
Engan ke ya sasu! - Kosraean
Jeramman ilo iio in ekaal! – Marshallese
Pwapwan Ei Ier Mi Fo – Chuukese
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu – Japanese
Ungil Beches Er Rak! – Palauan
Selsalan Ebéach e duw! – Yapese
Maligayang Bagong Taon – Tagalog
Hauoli Makahiki Hou – Hawaiian
Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo! – Korean
Gung Hay Fat Choy – Chinese
Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan! – Vietnamese
Ameseighil ubwutiiwel Layúi Luugh me raagh féé! – Carolinian

Image source: