Tuesday, July 26, 2016

UOG Announces 8 Years of Accreditation from WASC

WASC Commends UOG's Good to Great Initiative,
Board of Regents, and Fiscal Responsibility
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) has reaffirmed another eight years of accreditation for the University of Guam, guaranteeing that UOG has met the Commission’s high standards of quality and effectiveness.
“We are extremely proud to announce the reaffirmation of another eight years of accreditation,” said UOG President Dr. Robert Underwood. “We received our first eight years of accreditation in 2009, and our new term will last until 2024. This accomplishment will mark an unprecedented 16 years of continuous accreditation for UOG.”

For more information and to view the WASC Senior College and University Commission action letter and report, visit www.uog.edu/accreditation or on the WASC website at www.wascsenior.org.
The Commission commended the University in seven areas:
  1. Taking steps to implement each of the team's recommendations immediately after the visit. The Commission is pleased to learn of the university's efforts to: strengthen graduation rates; invest in data management; hire additional staff to support institutional research; institutionalize SSIT; enhance program review; and undertake co-curricular assessment.
  2. Designing and carrying out the Good to Great (G2G) initiative.  The Commission is impressed by this ambitious, progressive, comprehensive, and successful endeavor. The stated objective of prioritization is particularly commendable, as is the inclusion of the university's stakeholders, internal and external, in shaping the initiative.
  3. Demonstrating strong fiscal stewardship.  In the face of challenging resource constraints, the university has achieved multi-year financial surpluses.  The diversification of revenue streams has been critical to the university's financial sustainability. The Commission applauds senior leadership for its fiscal discipline and for aligning resources with institutional priorities.
  4. Developing an effective relationship with the Board of Regents.  As reported by the team, the board is actively engaged, strongly independent, fully autonomous, and highly supportive of the University of Guam.
  5. Focusing on regional needs.  The university has demonstrated a deep commitment to regional needs and the public good through education, research and service.
  6. Strengthening first-year retention to 74.5%.  The University of Guam has implemented a range activities and practices that are leading to student success.
  7. Creating a remarkably inclusive, collaborative culture focused on good university citizenship. The G2G process, in addition to a number of university initiatives, reflects this approach to collaborating across constituencies, in order to break down silos, create synergies, and forge a new unified direction for the university.

Source:  www.uog.edu

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Guam Council IRA Receives Honor Council in Boston, MA

Congratulations to the Guam Council IRA for receiving the ILA Honor Council Award!  Guam IRA has been instrumental in promoting literacy on Guam since 1968, and it will continue in its efforts to do so for many years to come.  Our mission is to develop an awareness of the powerful impact of reading, and we aim to make connections to the island's community through various literacy projects and events including our Annual Read-A-Thon, Author Visits, educator grants, Annual Language Arts Conference sponsorship, literacy workshops/presentations, professional development credit opportunities, local book donations and International book donations to our neighboring islands, affordable and resourceful books, tools, supplies, and engaging projects that promote literacy on the island of Guam and Micronesia at large.

Guam IRA Receives ILA Honor Council Award for 2015-2016 at the ILA Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.  Guam IRA has been instrumental in promoting literacy on Guam since 1968 and was recognized as an HONOR COUNCIL of the International Literacy Association for its achievements in programs, membership, promotion, and community service.  Pictured L-R:  April Cordova, Guam IRA Board Member; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, 2016-2017 Guam IRA President; Lois Taitano Gumataotao, Guam IRA Board Member; Evangeline P. Chaco, 2015-2016 Guam IRA President; Dylan Orot, Guam IRA Board Member; and Annette Raguindin, Guam IRA Board Member.