Congratulations to the newly-elected SOE Alumni Officers who were officially sworn in August 25, 2012 at the Alize Restaurant in Tumon, Guam!
Pictured above L-R front row: Graziella "Grace" Griffin, President; Margaret Beem, Vice President; and Martha Sudo, Secretary. Back row L-R: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster and Immediate Past President; Lois Taitano Gumataotao, Public Information Officer; Rose Marie Cruz Castro, Treasurer; and Dr. Lourdes Klitzkie, Advisor.
Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) members gathered together for a banana split treat upon the arrival of Senator Shelten G. Neth, PIBBA Immediate Past President, at the Haagen Dazs parlor at the Fiesta Resort in Tumon, Guam.
newly-elected PIBBA International Officers! Front row L-R: Dr. Jose
Q. Cruz, Historian; Rosa Salas Palomo, Treasurer; and Shelten G. Neth,
Immediate Past President. Back row L-R: Illuminanda "Lumi" Bermudes,
Secretary; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; and Masa-Aki Emesiochl,
President-Elect. Not pictured is Peter Onedera, PIBBA International President.